Monday, February 16, 2015

A Mild Winter

A very mild winter this year, not as much snow as is normal. The County road is well used during a mild winter with the guys ice fishing on the lake above me.

We didn't have to chain up the truck to get to the driveway and the first 300' is downhill to the creek. One can ALWAYS go downhill in the snow, and I was lazy and stopped at the creek.

At this point I fired up the corn binder and cleared the upper loops in order to drive to the house without chains.

With the truck at the house and the heaters on, I can continue to clean and groom the driveway.

With only about a foot on the ground, this only takes about 45 minutes while the heaters are beginning to warm the cabin.

Now ready for a relaxing week in the mountains. 

I'm chomping at the bit cleaning the fishing gear, the ice will melt in 30-45 days and the trout are waiting......